Below you fill find EasyPro's huge inventory of products.  EasyPro offers everything from Water Features, Pond liners, Aeration Kits, fountains, Basins, Pumps, Waterfall kits, small koi pond kits, large lake and fish pond kits, and tons more!  We carry their entire full line of products!  Have a question, need help finding a product not shown?? or pricing just ask!  You can also view the entire line of EasyPro products on the manufacturer's website here:  
Water Gardening

Tranquility and life are the hallmarks of a pond landscape. With EasyPro Pond Products, you can create and enjoy a water garden or koi pond that fits beautifully into your landscape. EasyPro Pond Products provides easy to use and professional grade components that create enjoyable, low maintenance ponds. Our pond systems are designed to work in synergy with nature to create a healthy ecosystem for fish and plants.

Innovation, quality, and experience are combined within every EasyPro product to provide truly unique, natural looking, and self-sustaining water gardens.

Water Features

For centuries, water features have been at the center of public and private daily life. The sights and sounds of water take many forms, from magnificent fountains in city squares to small bubbling features on a patio. EasyPro offers a wide selection of products to help create a variety of water features for your business or home.

Just-A-Falls features are perfect for areas that require a waterfall without a pond. Bubbling features are made simple with a wide range of self-contained basins. Magnificent fountain displays are possible with a range of nozzles. With professional grade products that are easy to install, our products exhibit innovation and quality that only EasyPro can offer.

Lake & Pond Management

Ponds and lakes are a valuable natural resource. They add beauty to the landscape, provide recreation, and are a habitat for fish and wildlife. A natural body of water is a complex biological, chemical, and physical community. The quality of the water determines the health of the entire ecosystem and the aquatic organisms living within it – from microscopic bacteria to large fish.

The “engine” that drives everything within a body of water is the presence of oxygen in proper levels. A pond’s condition deteriorates when its bottom environment cannot support aquatic life. The bottom is where the most oxygen is consumed and the farthest from the surface where it is replenished. Without adequate oxygen at the bottom, beneficial bacteria do not break down the organic waste. This results in increased layers of sediment (muck) along the pond bottom. Simply put: without oxygen, a pond cannot clean itself.

Want help with aeration for your pond? Submit your Aeration System Request and let us help you.

Seasonal Products

Preparing your pond for winter is one of the most important maintenance processes you can do to ensure the health of the biological systems and the life your pond equipment. A well-treated pond will “winter” better and take less time and less treatment to start-up in the Spring, reducing long-term maintenance cost.

Follow these three simple steps to ensure the health of your pond through the winter and reduce future pond maintenance: Clean, Protect, Prevent.

Sub Surface Aeration KITS

LARGE Pond kits for Ponds and Lakes that over 2 acres and up to 50' + deep.
These come with 3/4HP Compressors that include a Power Cord and cabinet / enclosure if noted.

 PA86 system aerates up to 4 Acres
1 acre at 5'-8' deep
2 acres at 8'-12' deep
4 acres at 12'-16' deep
• 3/4 hp compressor with two year warranty
• Four valve manifold with pressure relief
• Choice of 600' of 3/8" Quick Sink tubing or no tubing.
• Four QS2 rubber membrane diffuser assemblies or no diffusers for custom
• Approximately 1.6 cfm air flow per diffuser
• Typical operation cost of $1.10 per 24 hours at .09¢ per kWh, actual cost
may vary
With self weighted diffusers

These do not come with an Enclosure.

 Part # Diffuser Tubing Type Tubing Length Ship Weight List Price
PA86W (4) QS2 3/8"Quick Sink 600' 33, 44, 69, 69lbs. $2419.99 
PA86A (4) QS2 N/A N/A 33, 44 lbs.  $1789.99 
PA86WLD N/A 3/8"Quick Sink 600' 33, 69, 69 lbs.  $1698.09

Same Kits as Above but with a Rotary Vane Compressor

PA75 Basic Systems Feature
• 3/4 hp Stratus rotary vane compressor with one year warranty
• Four valve manifold with pressure relief
• Choice of 600' of 1/2" Quick Sink tubing or no tubing
• Four QS2 rubber membrane diffuser assemblies or no diffusers for custom system.
• Approximately 2.4 cfm air flow per diffuser
• Typical operation cost of $2.98 per 24 hours (at .09¢ per kWh,
actual cost may vary)
With self weighted diffusers

Part # Compressor Diffuser Tubing Type Tubing Length Ship Weight Price
PA75W RV75 (4) QS2 1/2" 600' 49, 49, 65 lbs.  $3069.99 
PA75A RV75 (4) QS2 NO Tubing Included 65, 44 lbs.  $2089.99 
PA75WLD RV75 None Included 1/2" Quick Sink 600' 6@49, 65 lbs.  $2383.99

Professional Deluxe systems below include lockable steel cabinet with compressor, airlines, plumbing, pressure gauge, cooling fan and electrical outlet installed.
PA75 Deluxe Systems Feature
• 3/4 hp Stratus rotary vane compressor with one year warranty
• 22" ground cabinet
• Four valve manifold with pressure relief and pressure gauge
• Choice of 600' of 1/2" Quick Sink tubing or no tubing
• Four QS2 rubber membrane diffuser assemblies or no diffusers for custom system
• Approximately 2.4 cfm air flow per diffuser
• Typical operation cost of $2.98 per 24 hours (at .09¢ per kWh, actual cost may vary)
With self weighted diffusers

​Part # Diffuser Tubing Type Tubing Length Cabinet Weight Price
PA75D (4) QS2 1/2" 600' SC22 470 lbs. $3799.99 
PA75AD (4) QS2 NO TUBING Included SC22 180 lbs. $2783.99 
PA75DLD N/A No Diffuser 1/2" 600' SC22 430 lbs. $3180.99 
PA75ADLD Compressor & Cabinet ONLY 140 lbs. $2199.99 

SC22SU Sound proofing for SC22 cabinet (installed) — — —  $139.99

​The Kits below can AERATE UP TO 6 ACRES - 1 HP Compressor

PA100 system aerates up to 1-1/2 acres at 5'-8' deep, 3 acres at 8'-12' deep, 6 acres at 12'-16' deep.
PA100 Basic Systems Feature
• 1 hp Stratus rotary vane compressor with one year warranty
• Six valve manifold with pressure relief
• Choice of 800' of 1/2" Quick Sink tubing or no tubing
• Six QS2 rubber membrane diffuser assemblies or no diffusers for custom system
• Approximately 2.2 cfm air flow per diffuser
• Typical operation cost of $3.47 per 24 hours (at .09¢ per kWh, actual
cost may vary)
With self weighted diffusers

Part # Diffuser Tubing Type / Length Cabinet Ship Weight Price
PA100W (6) QS2 1/2" 800' NO Cabinet 8@49, 2-33, 68lbs. $4179.99 
PA100A (6) QS2 NO TUBING / NO CABINET 68, 2@33 lbs.  $2979.99 
PA100WLD NO DIFFUSERS 1/2" x 800' NO CABINET 8@49, 68 lbs. $3099.99

​Rocking Piston Compressor PA100 Kits

Professional deluxe systems include lockable steel cabinet with compressor, airlines, plumbing, pressure gauge, cooling fan and electrical outlet installed.
PA100 Deluxe Systems Feature
• 1 hp Stratus rotary vane compressor with one year warranty
• 22" ground cabinet
• Six valve manifold with pressure relief and pressure gauge
• Choice of 800' of 1 /2" Quick Sink tubing or no tubing
• Six QS2 rubber membrane diffuser assemblies or no diffusers for custom system
diffuser options
• Approximately 2.2 cfm air flow per diffuser
• Typical operation cost of $3.47 per 24 hours (at .09¢ per kWh,
actual cost may vary)
With self weighted diffusers

Part # Diffuser Tubing Type Tubing Length Cabinet Ship Weight Price
PA100D (6) QS2 1/2" 800' SC22 600 lbs.  $4791.99
PA100AD (6) QS2 --NO TUBING — SC22 230 lbs. $3579.99
PA100DLD NO Diffuser 1/2" 800' SC22 540 lbs.  $3897.59
PA100ADLD --- Compressor & Cabinet Only -- SC22 150 lbs.  $2682.99
SC22SU Sound proofing for SC22 cabinet (installed) — — —  $139.99